The CR300 is a multi-purpose, compact measurement and control data logger. This small, low-cost, high-value data logger offers fast communications, low power requirements, built-in USB, and excellent analog input accuracy and resolution. The CR300 can measure most hydrological, meteorological, environmental, and industrial sensors. It concentrates data, makes it available over varied networks, and delivers it using your preferred protocol. It also performs automated on-site or remote decision making for control and M2M communications. The CR300 is ideal for small applications requiring long-term, remote monitoring and control.
The CR300 includes Wi-Fi, cellular, or the following radio options for different regions:
Note: Campbell Scientific does not recommend the CR300 for use as a PakBus router in networks with more than 50 devices. Large arrays or string variables may also reach memory limits. For such applications, a CR1000X Datalogger is recommended.
- Connects directly to a computer's USB port
- Differentiates even slight changes in data values with higher resolutions measurements (24 bit Adc)
- Provides simple serial sensor integration and measurement with SDI-12 and/or RS-232
- Supports full PakBus networking
- Includes embedded web page for direct connection via web browser
-NOTE- | Additional specifications are listed in the CR300 specification sheets. |
Operating Temperature Range |
Maximum Scan Rate | 10 Hz |
Case Material | Powder-coated aluminum |
Analog Inputs | 6 single-ended or 3 differential (individually configured) |
Pulse Counters | 8 (P_SW, P_LL, C1, C2, and SE1 to SE4) |
Voltage Excitation Terminals | 2 (VX1, VX2) |
Communications Ports |
Switched 12 Volt | 1 terminal |
Digital I/O | 7 terminals (C1, C2, P_SW, and SE1 to SE4) configurable for digital input and output. Includes status high/low, pulse width modulation, external interrupt, and communication functions. Exception: The SE4 terminal doesn't do external interrupt. |
Input Limits | -100 to +2500 mV |
Analog Voltage Accuracy |
ADC | 24-bit |
Power Requirements | 16 to 32 Vdc for charger input (CHG) (Current limited to 0.9 A maximum for power converter or solar panel input.) |
Real-Time Clock Accuracy | ±1 min. per month |
Internet Protocols | Ethernet, PPP, RNDIS, ICMP/Ping, Auto-IP(APIPA), IPv4, IPv6, UDP, TCP, TLS (v1.2), DNS, DHCP, SLAAC, NTP, Telnet, HTTP(S), FTP(S), SMTP/TLS, POP3/TLS |
Communication Protocols | PakBus, Modbus, DNP3, SDI-12, TCP, UDP, and others |
CPU Drive/Programs | 80 MB serial flash |
Data Storage | 30 MB serial flash |
Idle Current Drain, Average | 1.5 mA (@ 12 Vdc) |
Active Current Drain, Average |
Dimensions | 13.97 x 7.62 x 4.56 cm (5.5 x 3.0 x 1.8 in.) Additional clearance required for cables and leads. |
Weight | 242 to 250 g (0.53 to 0.55 lb) depending on communication option selected |