The intuitive B.R.A.IN APP allows the user to manage the inclinometer (vertical and/or horizontal) and spiral meter surveys, and immediatelly share the readings with the most popular APP installed on the device (i.e. email, Dropbox, Whatsapp, Google DRIVE, OneDrive, iCloud Drive etc.)
Survey could be then imported in KLION software for data analysis and export professional and customizable reports.
B.R.A.IN (Borehole Readout Array for INclinometers) system is mainly composed by MEMS inclinometer probe, bluetooth reel with control cable and B.R.A.IN APP compatible with Android and iOS mobile operative systems. The electronic readout is integrated into the reel and the BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) wireless protocol permits a fast and safe communication with the management device, with a very low batteries’ consumption. The intuitive B.R.A.IN APP allows the user to manage the inclinometer and spiral meter surveys, and immediatelly share the readings with the most popular APP installed on the device (i.e. email, Dropbox, Whatsapp, Google DRIVE, OneDrive, iCloud Drive etc.) Survey could be then imported in KLION software for data analysis and export professional and customizable reports.
• The readout is your mobile
• User friendly mobile APP available for both Android and iOS
• Built-in electronics
• Low consumption Bluetooth interface
• Available in metric and imperial/USCS of measurement
• Landslides and unstable slopes
• Dams and embankments
• Diaphragm walls
• Tunneling
• Deep excavations