08.53 Calcimeter
08.53 Calcimeter

The calcimeter by Eijkelkamp Soil & Water is suitable for the simultaneous determination of the carbonate content in 5 samples.The calcimeter is delivered complete with reaction vessels and test tubes (without reagents).

Benefits Calcimeter

  • Accurate measurements the easiest way
  • 5 flasks allow batchwise working
  • Rapid results
  • A Modern tool to suit the professional lab
  • The quantity of sample needed is determined beforehand by treating a part of the sample with hydrochloric acid on a watch glass. The carbonate content is estimated on the basis of the extent and the period of bubbling. Based on this estimate the quantity of sample for the analysis is determined.
  • With this altimeter, no balloon is used to keep the CO2 separate from the water (to prevent any gas from dissolving in the water). This results in much more accurate measuring results.
  • As a consequence of the repeatability and the accuracy, a series of measurements should be executed in a room in which there are no differences in temperature exceeding 4°C. In addition, the reagents used must meet the standards for analysis. It should also be considered that other gasses (for instance in polluted soils) may be released. The gas will then have to be purified first and the CO2 will have to be determined otherwise.


Maximum number of samples 5
Measured parameters carbonate content
Measuring range 0 - > 200 g/kg
Reading accuracy 1 g/kg
Sample specification disturbed
Package size N/A
Weight 30 kg
Applications Soil physical laboratory research


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