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Ready-To-Go Lysimeter

The Ready-To-Go Lysimeter is a small lysimeter station for soil columns with a surface area up to 0.5 cm² and a length of up to 1 m. The Ready-To-Go Lysimeter is suitable for both disturbed (filled by hand) and undisturbed (using the patented UGT-Excavation Technology) soil monoliths.

The compact lysimeter station consists of a PP lysimeter vessel, a weighing system, a seepage tank with a tipping bucket, a weather station, a set of soil hydrological sensors, and a data logger. The system operates as a plug and play system. The entire station can be erected and put into operation without special tools or specialized staff. It is a cost-effective alternative lysimeter system to observe water transport processes under natural conditions. Up to four Ready-To-Go Lysimeters can be connected to one data logger. Combining the data logger with the SVADSS box or with a remote data transmission provides a quick and easy access to the data via the internet. The Ready-To-Go Lysimeter is the ideal supplement to an existing weather station for direct measurements of the actual evapotranspiration.

The aim of this simplified lysimeter station is to provide a solution for projects where large lysimeter stations are not suitable. Under consideration of the limited surface area and depth of the lysimeter vessel, Ready-To-Go Lysimeters are a less expensive solution to observe several different water transport processes.



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