- The TLS-100 is a portable meter used to measure thermal conductivity and thermal resistivity of a variety of samples, including soil, rocks, concrete, and polymers. Tests can be performed with the push of a button and results are displayed instantly.
Accuracy of 5% and reproducibility of 2%.
Saved measurements to a PC is simple and involves the use of either the SD memory card for direct transfer to Microsoft Excel via an available card slot on the PC or by using the included TLS 100 uploading software.
The TLS 100 is designed to account for any isothermal drift in a sample prior to measure.
The TLS 100 Meter is a simple to use field meter for the measurement of thermal conductivity and thermal resistivity of soils and soft materials
The TLS 100 is simple to use, with test times under 2 minutes
The TLS 100 covers a range of 0.1 to 5 W/mK
With the TLS 100 measurements are possible at temperatures of -40°C to 100°C
Soil thermal conductivity testing concrete, polymers, soil and soft rock.
Portable, Economical, and Accurate
Easy to use
Standard 100 mm sensor for soft materials
Optional 50 mm sensor for hard materials